Mohanapriya R Mohanapriya R
Updated date Apr 17, 2024
In this blog, we will learn how to convert strings to GUIDs using C#.
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Converting Strings to GUIDs in C#:

In C#, the Guid struct comes equipped with a constructor that accepts a string as a parameter. This string can represent a GUID in various formats, such as "D" (32 digits separated by hyphens), "N" (32 digits without hyphens), "B" (enclosed in curly braces with hyphens), or "P" (enclosed in parentheses with hyphens). Let's dive into a simple program demonstrating how to convert strings to GUIDs:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Sample string representation of a GUID
        string guidString = "5E7DD097-3733-4D05-8A1D-3C79FA89C8F9";

        // Convert the string to a GUID
        Guid convertedGuid = new Guid(guidString);

        // Display the original string and the converted GUID
        Console.WriteLine($"Original String: {guidString}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Converted GUID: {convertedGuid}");


Original String: 5E7DD097-3733-4D05-8A1D-3C79FA89C8F9
Converted GUID: 5e7dd097-3733-4d05-8a1d-3c79fa89c8f9

In this example, the Guid constructor takes the string representation of the GUID, and the resulting Guid object is displayed. Note that the GUID is displayed in lowercase; however, the case doesn't affect the uniqueness of the identifier.

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